Create and Prosper the journey of your life.

                 Create  To bring into existence, and prosper to succeed in an enterprise or activity; especially: to achieve economic success.

Live your life creating, not necessarily to gain wealth or recognition, but so you may delight in a life richly lived. Your busy hands and mind will bring contentment and success. Travel your life-journey by following your heart ... as therein lay your soul's desires. There are no failures, only opportunities to walk a more enlightened path.Your journey requires your dedicated attention. Contemplate your objective from various viewpoints; apply yourself diligently.

Know that your hand may have created your adversity. Remember that you are merely a speck in the universe, be humble and kind. Play your unique role in the cast of millions with integrity and respect.
Every day, count your blessings; for all, you have gained and achieved, and all you have been spared. A heart of thankfulness will set you free. Accept that there will be challenging days; judge them as the stumble that they are, and as soon as you are able, continue on your life journey.
Give grief and loss its natural expression, knowing that time is your greatest therapy. You will be able to continue your journey of purpose and peacefulness once again when sorrow has run its required course.

Never give fear a depressing place in your life, nor unrelenting regret, or shameful acts. Don't let worry hinder you; she will gleefully steal you away from accomplishments and happiness.
Don't dwell on the errors and injustices that are sure to come your way - pick yourself up, gain what you can from them; proceed on. Never diminish the liberty of another human being.
Live harmoniously with all earth's abundance, and know that you are as worthy as any; stand fast.
Always, let your heart be your guide; act consistently on your desires, with focus and resolve; ignore doomsayers and critics. Take time out of your every day to rejuvenate and strengthen; laugh as often as possible; regularly partake in fun and frivolity.

Today, enjoy ... and create.

A lovely life is not a destination

- it's a day-by-day adventure!
