Create Your Own Story For your Own life.

Did you create your own story today, i.e. did you live your life 'on purpose'? Whatever you do, whatever job, or circumstance, or income level - did you use today? Was today a day of possibilities and achieved goals in your life story, even if only minimal? Or did today just happens usual another typically mundane, unexciting day? 

A lovely life is one that makes you feel that life is worth living. A 'lovely' life is an enjoyable, delightful, pleasing life. And a delightful life doesn't just happen ... we have to make it happen. Though it takes effort and time initially, it's actually relatively easy - we simply need to apply certain procedures and practices to our lives.
So many people live their lives with one insignificant day following another ... they certainly don't create their own story. Instead life does "just happen" for them, OR they are busy living someone else's expectations of how their life should be lived. This daily routine of no passion or purpose - and a life of unfulfilled dreams - becomes boring, tiresome and even debilitating after many years. Most people truly believe that they don't have a choice - they believe that this is their lot in life. Certainly they've tried to make it better, but they can't see any way out of their unhappy circumstances. Life is predictably tedious, difficult and unsatisfying for so many people.

Consider this: If you knew how, would you create your own story so that you could live, at the very least, an interesting day every day? Would you like to live a life that is designed just for you - that takes into consideration what you like, what you'd love to do, and unfolds in a perfect way as you grow older?
"I dream my painting,

and then I paint my dream."
Vincent van Gogh

Of course there are many reasons why you couldn't possibly create your own story and live a wonderful life. Perhaps it's because of a lack of money, your health, your relationship, no opportunities, or any number of other circumstances. But what if there was a way past these issues, and relatively soon? Would you have another go (as I'm sure you've already tried many times) at making your life what you'd love to live!
It IS possible to grab hold of what you are yearning for - you need to let go of anything in the past that has hurt you and also what you and/or others have told you is 'expected' and write a new life script ... then if you practice it day-by-day, it WILL become your habitual way of life!
Why not do what successful, happy people do? To join them, create your own story! First, work out how to be in alignment with yourself.
Even when you do create your own story and begin living an enjoyable and fulfilled life, regrettably things do still occasionally 'go wrong' in all of our lives; but once we are living our life purposely and passionately we can deal with them better than ever before. We understand that they will pass and we'll be able to get on with living our create and prosper way of life soon after.
"Do not let what you can't do

interfere with what you can do."
John Wooden.

How to create your own life story

Have you ever really considered what you'd LOVE your life story to say? This website, and the accompanying 7-Day Action Plan and Workbook are designed specifically to show you how to create your own life story - even if initially it's all only make-believe!
Most of us are not living the life we would love to live. Even if your life isn't 'bad', but you feel unfulfilled, lost or empty, then challenge yourself to create your own story! Write your new life story full of things you would love to do and have - and watch what happens!
This method has been used by countless others before you. I have personally witnessed people go from unable to pay the most basic bills to millionaires (yes, truly!); relationships that were about to end turn into romantic, happy ones; and stressful, unfilling jobs replaced with dream businesses. It IS possible to LIVE a new life story - you just have to create your own story first!
Start your new life story journey by using the guide below. This is an easy Exercise to start with - because it's all about you, as you are right now. Of course you can write it in any fashion you like, and you are under no obligation or commitment whatsoever. Only if you wish to fill in the form below and THEN hit the "Send Story" button, your story will be emailed to me.

If you give permission, I am currently collecting your stories and would love to display your life story on the Lovely Life Plan website at a later date. Your full name or email address will never be shown (there is an option NOT to include your email address at all). Your name preference could be "Anonymous". As you can tell, your privacy is very important to me. If you don't wish to send me your life story, please use the form as a guide for your eyes only!
"Life is not lost by dying;
life is lost minute by minute,
day by dragging day,
in all the thousand
small uncaring ways."
Stephen Vincent Benét

Exercise 1: My Life Story!

Writing My Life Story! is a very helpful, and later extremely interesting, Exercise to do before you get too far along in your quest of designing, creating and living YOUR new, exciting and happy life.
•  First, doing this task makes you really think about your SELF. It's phenomenal, but the truth is, most of us don't ever spend much time focusing on our own lives - how we really 'are'! And very often, we instead spend a LOT of time, perhaps needlessly, involved in other people's lives. (Our partner, children, friends, clients, television characters, and celebrities - we often know more about them than about ourselves!)
•  And second, once you see how 'easy' it is to write your CURRENT story, it will inspire you to start writing your NEW life story ... the life you'd really love to live. The format below leads you from the NOW you to the NEW you!
It may seem daunting at the moment to create your own story, but simply write down what comes to mind in response to the prompts given below, and before you know it, it'll be done. Write it in any fashion you like - flowing sentences, short sentences or simple points are all good. Your life story may end up being two or three paragraphs, it may be several pages long.
The boxes below will take lots more info than shown, so don't be concerned about keeping it brief if you've got lots to say. The "Any Further Information" box is for any further information OR if you just want to type your story into that box only (rather than broken up into sections).
If you'd prefer not to use the form below, of course write your story out how you see fit. You may want to keep your life story completely private, or you may like to forward it to me.
As mentioned, at this time I'll be keeping your life story, with the intention to soon provide it on this website as inspiration, assistance and motivation to other readers and to yourself.
And there's more ... once you have sent me your My Life Story!, I will be encouraging you to provide an update in six months time! :) Then another one in another six months, then one per year after that. These will be added as updates to your original My Life Story! - my goal is that they will provide incredible inspiration and motivation to you.
Begin to create your own story by writing My Life Story!(You might like to read through all the questions first before beginning so you don't double up information.) If you wish to submit it, I can't wait to read it; if you'd prefer not to, keep it in a safe place with the intention of adding an update to it in six months time.
If you have any questions, you are welcome to email us.

Exercise 2: My Life Timeline

Documenting your own life timeline is a very helpful step to create your own story. Start from the date of your birth, add all major events in your life, and as much as possible, add those things you'd LOVE to happen. See this simple layout of some of Benjamin Franklin's achievements for inspiration to set up your own life story timeline. Our lives are 'over in a minute' - so decide what you'd love to see on YOUR life timeline! Even if for the minute all your future events are something you can't believe would ever come true (so long as they are ones that you genuinely do want!)
"You have to dream
before your dreams
can come true."
Abdul Kalam

Exercise 3: 7-Day Lovely Life Action Plan

The 7-Day Action Plan is a free resource designed to also assist you to create your own story. Start making your life story a fascinating read!
"Take care to get what you like
or you will be forced to like what you get."
George Bernard Shaw

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